# netatmo-exporter Simple [prometheus](https://prometheus.io) exporter for getting sensor values [NetAtmo](https://www.netatmo.com) sensors into prometheus. ## Installation If you have a working Go installation, getting the binary should be as simple as ```bash go get github.com/xperimental/netatmo-exporter ``` There is also a `build-arm.sh` script if you want to run the exporter on an ARMv7 device. ## NetAtmo client credentials This application tries to get data from the NetAtmo API. For that to work you will need to create an application in the [NetAtmo developer console](https://dev.netatmo.com/dev/myaccount), so that you can get a Client ID and secret. ## Usage ``` $ netatmo-exporter --help Usage of netatmo-exporter: -a, --addr string Address to listen on. (default ":9210") -i, --client-id string Client ID for NetAtmo app. -s, --client-secret string Client secret for NetAtmo app. -p, --password string Password of NetAtmo account. -u, --username string Username of NetAtmo account. ``` After starting the server will offer the metrics on the `/metrics` endpoint, which can be used as a target for prometheus. The exporter will query the Netatmo API every time it is scraped by prometheus. It does not make sense to scrape the Netatmo API with a small interval as the sensors only update their data every few minutes, so don't forget to set a slower scrape interval for this exporter: ```yml scrape_configs: - job_name: 'netatmo' scrape_interval: 90s static_configs: - targets: ['localhost:9210'] ```