# Drone plugin for Helm 3 This plugin provides an interface between [Drone](https://drone.io/) and [Helm 3](https://github.com/kubernetes/helm): * Lint your charts * Deploy your service * Delete your service The plugin is inpsired by [drone-helm](https://github.com/ipedrazas/drone-helm), which fills the same role for Helm 2. It provides a comparable feature-set and the configuration settings are backwards-compatible. ## Example configuration These examples give a minimal and sufficient configuration for each use-case. For a full description of each case, see [docs/lint_example.yml](docs/lint_example.yml), [docs/upgrade_example.yml](docs/upgrade_example.yml), and [docs/uninstall_example.yml](docs/uninstall_example.yml). ### Linting ```yaml steps: - name: lint image: pelotech/drone-helm3 settings: helm_command: lint chart: ./ ``` ### Deployment ```yaml steps: - name: deploy image: pelotech/drone-helm3 settings: helm_command: upgrade chart: ./ release: my-project environment: API_SERVER: https://my.kubernetes.installation/clusters/a-1234 KUBERNETES_TOKEN: from_secret: kubernetes_token ``` ### Deletion ```yaml steps: - name: uninstall image: pelotech/drone-helm3 settings: helm_command: uninstall release: my-project environment: API_SERVER: https://my.kubernetes.installation/clusters/a-1234 KUBERNETES_TOKEN: from_secret: kubernetes_token ``` ## Upgrading from drone-helm The setting names for drone-helm3 are backwards-compatible with those for drone-helm, so the only mandatory step is to update the `image` clause so that drone uses the new plugin. There are several settings that no longer have any effect: * `purge` -- this is the default behavior in Helm 3 * `recreate_pods` * `tiller_ns` * `upgrade` * `canary_image` * `client_only` * `stable_repo_url` If your `.drone.yml` contains those settings, we recommend removing them.