Marcus -Chaosblog 9eda102005 added skipped weeks and punt marking
removed duplicate colon
2012-08-13 16:23:22 +02:00

97 lines
2.3 KiB

Results for week beginning ${week_start.strftime("%F")}
<h2>Who posted:</h2>
% for u in sorted(good, key=lambda u:u.username):
<dt><span class="user"><strong>${} </strong> \
% if u.twitter != False:
<a href="!/${u.username}">@${u.username}</a> \
% endif
% for p in u.weeks[week]:
<li><a href="${p['url']}">${p['title'] or "[untitled post]"}</a></li>
% endfor
% endfor
% for u in sorted(lame, key=lambda u:u.username):
<li class="user"><strong>${} </strong> \
% if u.twitter != False:
<a href="!/${u.username}">@${u.username}</a> \
% endif
% endfor
% if punt:
<h2>Who was punted for outstanding balances:</h2>
% for u in sorted(punt):
<li class="user">${u}</li>
% endfor
% endif
% if skip:
<h2>Who haven't started yet:</h2>
% for u in sorted(skip, key=lambda u:u.username):
<li class="user"><strong>${} </strong> \
% if u.twitter != False:
- <a href="!/${u.username}">@${u.username}</a> \
% endif
% endfor
% endif
% if skipped_users:
<h2>Who is currently skipped:</h2>
% for u in sorted(skipped_users, key=lambda u:u.username):
<li class="user"><strong>${} </strong> \
% if u.twitter != False:
- <a href="!/${u.username}">@${u.username}</a> \
% endif
% endfor
% endif
<h2>Beer fund:</h2>
<table style="border-left-style:none; border-right-style:none;">
<tr> <td> This week: </td> <td> &euro; ${5 * len(lame)} </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> Total: </td> <td> &euro; ${pool} </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> Paid: </td> <td> &euro; ${paid} </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> Events: </td> <td> &euro; ${event} </td> </tr>
<% i = 0 %>
<table class="debts" style="border-left-style:none; border-right-style:none;">
% for (u, v) in sorted(debts, key=lambda p:p[1], reverse=True):
% if i % 3 == 0:
% endif
<% i += 1 %>\
<td class="user">${u}</td> <td class="money">&euro; ${v}</td>\
% if i % 3 == 0:
% endfor
% if i % 3 != 0:
<h2>Previously Punted (pay &euro;30 to return):</h2>
% for (u) in sorted(punted, key=lambda p:p.username):
<li>${u.username} (${u.end})</li>
% endfor