Erin Call 08ddf5e27a
Log debug output in helm.Config [#9]
Redacting KubeToken may not be sufficient, since it's possible that
someone would put secrets in Values or StringValues. Unilaterally
redacting those seems unhelpful, though, since they may be the very
thing the user is trying to debug. I've settled on redacting the obvious
field without trying to promise that all sensitive data will be hidden.
2019-12-24 11:08:09 -08:00

262 lines
6.2 KiB

package helm
import (
type PlanTestSuite struct {
func TestPlanTestSuite(t *testing.T) {
suite.Run(t, new(PlanTestSuite))
func (suite *PlanTestSuite) TestNewPlan() {
ctrl := gomock.NewController(suite.T())
stepOne := NewMockStep(ctrl)
stepTwo := NewMockStep(ctrl)
origHelp := help
help = func(cfg Config) []Step {
return []Step{stepOne, stepTwo}
defer func() { help = origHelp }()
stdout := strings.Builder{}
stderr := strings.Builder{}
cfg := Config{
Command: "help",
Debug: false,
Values: "steadfastness,forthrightness",
StringValues: "tensile_strength,flexibility",
ValuesFiles: []string{"/root/price_inventory.yml"},
Namespace: "outer",
Stdout: &stdout,
Stderr: &stderr,
runCfg := run.Config{
Debug: false,
Values: "steadfastness,forthrightness",
StringValues: "tensile_strength,flexibility",
ValuesFiles: []string{"/root/price_inventory.yml"},
Namespace: "outer",
Stdout: &stdout,
Stderr: &stderr,
plan, err := NewPlan(cfg)
suite.Equal(cfg, plan.cfg)
suite.Equal(runCfg, plan.runCfg)
func (suite *PlanTestSuite) TestNewPlanAbortsOnError() {
ctrl := gomock.NewController(suite.T())
stepOne := NewMockStep(ctrl)
stepTwo := NewMockStep(ctrl)
origHelp := help
help = func(cfg Config) []Step {
return []Step{stepOne, stepTwo}
defer func() { help = origHelp }()
cfg := Config{
Command: "help",
Return(fmt.Errorf("I'm starry Dave, aye, cat blew that"))
_, err := NewPlan(cfg)
suite.EqualError(err, "while preparing *helm.MockStep step: I'm starry Dave, aye, cat blew that")
func (suite *PlanTestSuite) TestUpgrade() {
cfg := Config{
ChartVersion: "seventeen",
DryRun: true,
Wait: true,
ReuseValues: true,
Timeout: "go sit in the corner",
Chart: "billboard_top_100",
Release: "post_malone_circles",
Force: true,
steps := upgrade(cfg)
suite.Require().Equal(2, len(steps), "upgrade should return 2 steps")
suite.Require().IsType(&run.InitKube{}, steps[0])
suite.Require().IsType(&run.Upgrade{}, steps[1])
upgrade, _ := steps[1].(*run.Upgrade)
expected := &run.Upgrade{
Chart: cfg.Chart,
Release: cfg.Release,
ChartVersion: cfg.ChartVersion,
DryRun: true,
Wait: cfg.Wait,
ReuseValues: cfg.ReuseValues,
Timeout: cfg.Timeout,
Force: cfg.Force,
suite.Equal(expected, upgrade)
func (suite *PlanTestSuite) TestDel() {
cfg := Config{
KubeToken: "b2YgbXkgYWZmZWN0aW9u",
SkipTLSVerify: true,
Certificate: "cHJvY2xhaW1zIHdvbmRlcmZ1bCBmcmllbmRzaGlw",
APIServer: "98.765.43.21",
ServiceAccount: "greathelm",
DryRun: true,
Timeout: "think about what you did",
Release: "jetta_id_love_to_change_the_world",
steps := uninstall(cfg)
suite.Require().Equal(2, len(steps), "uninstall should return 2 steps")
suite.Require().IsType(&run.InitKube{}, steps[0])
init, _ := steps[0].(*run.InitKube)
var expected Step = &run.InitKube{
SkipTLSVerify: true,
Certificate: "cHJvY2xhaW1zIHdvbmRlcmZ1bCBmcmllbmRzaGlw",
APIServer: "98.765.43.21",
ServiceAccount: "greathelm",
Token: "b2YgbXkgYWZmZWN0aW9u",
TemplateFile: kubeConfigTemplate,
ConfigFile: kubeConfigFile,
suite.Equal(expected, init)
suite.Require().IsType(&run.Uninstall{}, steps[1])
actual, _ := steps[1].(*run.Uninstall)
expected = &run.Uninstall{
Release: "jetta_id_love_to_change_the_world",
DryRun: true,
suite.Equal(expected, actual)
func (suite *PlanTestSuite) TestInitKube() {
cfg := Config{
KubeToken: "cXVlZXIgY2hhcmFjdGVyCg==",
SkipTLSVerify: true,
Certificate: "b2Ygd29rZW5lc3MK",
APIServer: "123.456.78.9",
ServiceAccount: "helmet",
steps := initKube(cfg)
suite.Require().Equal(1, len(steps), "initKube should return one step")
suite.Require().IsType(&run.InitKube{}, steps[0])
init, _ := steps[0].(*run.InitKube)
expected := &run.InitKube{
SkipTLSVerify: true,
Certificate: "b2Ygd29rZW5lc3MK",
APIServer: "123.456.78.9",
ServiceAccount: "helmet",
Token: "cXVlZXIgY2hhcmFjdGVyCg==",
TemplateFile: kubeConfigTemplate,
ConfigFile: kubeConfigFile,
suite.Equal(expected, init)
func (suite *PlanTestSuite) TestLint() {
cfg := Config{
Chart: "./flow",
steps := lint(cfg)
suite.Equal(1, len(steps))
want := &run.Lint{
Chart: "./flow",
suite.Equal(want, steps[0])
func (suite *PlanTestSuite) TestDeterminePlanUpgradeCommand() {
cfg := Config{
Command: "upgrade",
stepsMaker := determineSteps(cfg)
suite.Same(&upgrade, stepsMaker)
func (suite *PlanTestSuite) TestDeterminePlanUpgradeFromDroneEvent() {
cfg := Config{}
upgradeEvents := []string{"push", "tag", "deployment", "pull_request", "promote", "rollback"}
for _, event := range upgradeEvents {
cfg.DroneEvent = event
stepsMaker := determineSteps(cfg)
suite.Same(&upgrade, stepsMaker, fmt.Sprintf("for event type '%s'", event))
func (suite *PlanTestSuite) TestDeterminePlanUninstallCommand() {
cfg := Config{
Command: "uninstall",
stepsMaker := determineSteps(cfg)
suite.Same(&uninstall, stepsMaker)
// helm_command = delete is provided as an alias for backwards-compatibility with drone-helm
func (suite *PlanTestSuite) TestDeterminePlanDeleteCommand() {
cfg := Config{
Command: "delete",
stepsMaker := determineSteps(cfg)
suite.Same(&uninstall, stepsMaker)
func (suite *PlanTestSuite) TestDeterminePlanDeleteFromDroneEvent() {
cfg := Config{
DroneEvent: "delete",
stepsMaker := determineSteps(cfg)
suite.Same(&uninstall, stepsMaker)
func (suite *PlanTestSuite) TestDeterminePlanLintCommand() {
cfg := Config{
Command: "lint",
stepsMaker := determineSteps(cfg)
suite.Same(&lint, stepsMaker)
func (suite *PlanTestSuite) TestDeterminePlanHelpCommand() {
cfg := Config{
Command: "help",
stepsMaker := determineSteps(cfg)
suite.Same(&help, stepsMaker)