Erin Call 3d1c849e75
Don't document the kube_config setting [#8]
See #30--there's no known use-case and no drone-helm users are using the
setting, so it's on the chopping block.
2019-12-23 09:49:29 -08:00

85 lines
2.9 KiB

kind: pipeline
type: docker
name: default
- name: deploy
image: pelotech/drone-helm3
# Setting helm_command to "upgrade" is recommended, but not mandatory. If no command is given, the plugin
# infers "upgrade" when triggered by a push, tag, deployment, pull_request, promote, or rollback event.
helm_command: upgrade
# Mandatory.
# The chart to use for this release.
chart: ./charts/bloge
# Mandatory.
# Release name for Helm to use.
release: bloge
# Mandatory.
# API endpoint for the Kubernetes cluster.
api_server: https://k8s.mycompany.example.com/clusters/c-tr1sb
# Mandatory.
# Token to use when connecting to kubernetes.
from_secret: deploybot_token
# Base-64 encoded TLS certificate used by the Kubernetes cluster's certificate authority.
kubernetes_certificate: LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJUSUZJQ0FURS0tLS0t....
# Specific chart version to deploy.
chart_version: 1.2.3
# Simulate an upgrade without deploying it.
dry_run: true
# Wait until kubernetes resources are in a ready state before marking the release successful.
wait: true
# Timeout for any *individual* Kubernetes operation. The plugin's full runtime may exceed this duration.
timeout: 1m23s
# Force resource updates (helm upgrade --force).
force: true
# Values to set for this helm release. Keys and values must not contain commas.
- image.tag=latest
- image.annotations.deployedDate="${DRONE_BUILD_CREATED}"
# String values to set for this helm release. Keys and values must not contain commas.
string_values: "notAnInt=5"
# Values files to use in this helm release. Filenames must not contain commas.
- ./values/underrides.yml
- ./values/overrides.yml
# Reuse the values from a previous release.
reuse_values: true
# Produce debug output from drone-helm itself and send --debug to all helm commands.
debug: true
# Call `helm dependency update` before upgrading.
# Note: this setting is on the v1.0 roadmap, but not yet implemented.
update_dependencies: true
# Call `helm repo add` for each repo before upgrading. Repo names and urls must not contain commas.
# Note: this setting is on the v1.0 roadmap, but not yet implemented.
repos: "eDeath=https://github.com/bug/e-death,idMaker=https://github.com/nmarks/id-maker"
# Give the --namespace flag to all helm commands.
namespace: my_kube_subset
# Connect insecurely to the kubernetes server. Using this setting in production is inadvisable.
skip_tls_verify: true
# Service account to use when connecting to kubernetes. Defaults to "helm."
service_account: deploybot
from_secret: kubernetes_service_account