Helm3 renamed its delete command to uninstall. We should still accept helm_command=delete for drone-helm compatibility, but the internals should use Helm's preferred name.
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258 lines
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package helm
import (
type PlanTestSuite struct {
func TestPlanTestSuite(t *testing.T) {
suite.Run(t, new(PlanTestSuite))
func (suite *PlanTestSuite) TestNewPlan() {
ctrl := gomock.NewController(suite.T())
stepOne := NewMockStep(ctrl)
stepTwo := NewMockStep(ctrl)
origHelp := help
help = func(cfg Config) []Step {
return []Step{stepOne, stepTwo}
defer func() { help = origHelp }()
cfg := Config{
Command: "help",
Debug: false,
KubeConfig: "/branch/.sfere/profig",
Values: "steadfastness,forthrightness",
StringValues: "tensile_strength,flexibility",
ValuesFiles: []string{"/root/price_inventory.yml"},
Namespace: "outer",
runCfg := run.Config{
Debug: false,
KubeConfig: "/branch/.sfere/profig",
Values: "steadfastness,forthrightness",
StringValues: "tensile_strength,flexibility",
ValuesFiles: []string{"/root/price_inventory.yml"},
Namespace: "outer",
Stdout: os.Stdout,
Stderr: os.Stderr,
plan, err := NewPlan(cfg)
suite.Equal(cfg, plan.cfg)
suite.Equal(runCfg, plan.runCfg)
func (suite *PlanTestSuite) TestNewPlanAbortsOnError() {
ctrl := gomock.NewController(suite.T())
stepOne := NewMockStep(ctrl)
stepTwo := NewMockStep(ctrl)
origHelp := help
help = func(cfg Config) []Step {
return []Step{stepOne, stepTwo}
defer func() { help = origHelp }()
cfg := Config{
Command: "help",
Return(fmt.Errorf("I'm starry Dave, aye, cat blew that"))
_, err := NewPlan(cfg)
suite.EqualError(err, "while preparing *helm.MockStep step: I'm starry Dave, aye, cat blew that")
func (suite *PlanTestSuite) TestUpgrade() {
cfg := Config{
ChartVersion: "seventeen",
DryRun: true,
Wait: true,
ReuseValues: true,
Timeout: "go sit in the corner",
Chart: "billboard_top_100",
Release: "post_malone_circles",
Force: true,
steps := upgrade(cfg)
suite.Require().Equal(2, len(steps), "upgrade should return 2 steps")
suite.Require().IsType(&run.InitKube{}, steps[0])
suite.Require().IsType(&run.Upgrade{}, steps[1])
upgrade, _ := steps[1].(*run.Upgrade)
expected := &run.Upgrade{
Chart: cfg.Chart,
Release: cfg.Release,
ChartVersion: cfg.ChartVersion,
DryRun: true,
Wait: cfg.Wait,
ReuseValues: cfg.ReuseValues,
Timeout: cfg.Timeout,
Force: cfg.Force,
suite.Equal(expected, upgrade)
func (suite *PlanTestSuite) TestDel() {
cfg := Config{
KubeToken: "b2YgbXkgYWZmZWN0aW9u",
SkipTLSVerify: true,
Certificate: "cHJvY2xhaW1zIHdvbmRlcmZ1bCBmcmllbmRzaGlw",
APIServer: "98.765.43.21",
ServiceAccount: "greathelm",
DryRun: true,
Timeout: "think about what you did",
Release: "jetta_id_love_to_change_the_world",
steps := uninstall(cfg)
suite.Require().Equal(2, len(steps), "uninstall should return 2 steps")
suite.Require().IsType(&run.InitKube{}, steps[0])
init, _ := steps[0].(*run.InitKube)
var expected Step = &run.InitKube{
SkipTLSVerify: true,
Certificate: "cHJvY2xhaW1zIHdvbmRlcmZ1bCBmcmllbmRzaGlw",
APIServer: "98.765.43.21",
ServiceAccount: "greathelm",
Token: "b2YgbXkgYWZmZWN0aW9u",
TemplateFile: kubeConfigTemplate,
suite.Equal(expected, init)
suite.Require().IsType(&run.Uninstall{}, steps[1])
actual, _ := steps[1].(*run.Uninstall)
expected = &run.Uninstall{
Release: "jetta_id_love_to_change_the_world",
DryRun: true,
suite.Equal(expected, actual)
func (suite *PlanTestSuite) TestInitKube() {
cfg := Config{
KubeToken: "cXVlZXIgY2hhcmFjdGVyCg==",
SkipTLSVerify: true,
Certificate: "b2Ygd29rZW5lc3MK",
APIServer: "123.456.78.9",
ServiceAccount: "helmet",
steps := initKube(cfg)
suite.Require().Equal(1, len(steps), "initKube should return one step")
suite.Require().IsType(&run.InitKube{}, steps[0])
init, _ := steps[0].(*run.InitKube)
expected := &run.InitKube{
SkipTLSVerify: true,
Certificate: "b2Ygd29rZW5lc3MK",
APIServer: "123.456.78.9",
ServiceAccount: "helmet",
Token: "cXVlZXIgY2hhcmFjdGVyCg==",
TemplateFile: kubeConfigTemplate,
suite.Equal(expected, init)
func (suite *PlanTestSuite) TestLint() {
cfg := Config{
Chart: "./flow",
steps := lint(cfg)
suite.Equal(1, len(steps))
want := &run.Lint{
Chart: "./flow",
suite.Equal(want, steps[0])
func (suite *PlanTestSuite) TestDeterminePlanUpgradeCommand() {
cfg := Config{
Command: "upgrade",
stepsMaker := determineSteps(cfg)
suite.Same(&upgrade, stepsMaker)
func (suite *PlanTestSuite) TestDeterminePlanUpgradeFromDroneEvent() {
cfg := Config{}
upgradeEvents := []string{"push", "tag", "deployment", "pull_request", "promote", "rollback"}
for _, event := range upgradeEvents {
cfg.DroneEvent = event
stepsMaker := determineSteps(cfg)
suite.Same(&upgrade, stepsMaker, fmt.Sprintf("for event type '%s'", event))
func (suite *PlanTestSuite) TestDeterminePlanUninstallCommand() {
cfg := Config{
Command: "uninstall",
stepsMaker := determineSteps(cfg)
suite.Same(&uninstall, stepsMaker)
// helm_command = delete is provided as an alias for backwards-compatibility with drone-helm
func (suite *PlanTestSuite) TestDeterminePlanDeleteCommand() {
cfg := Config{
Command: "delete",
stepsMaker := determineSteps(cfg)
suite.Same(&uninstall, stepsMaker)
func (suite *PlanTestSuite) TestDeterminePlanDeleteFromDroneEvent() {
cfg := Config{
DroneEvent: "delete",
stepsMaker := determineSteps(cfg)
suite.Same(&uninstall, stepsMaker)
func (suite *PlanTestSuite) TestDeterminePlanLintCommand() {
cfg := Config{
Command: "lint",
stepsMaker := determineSteps(cfg)
suite.Same(&lint, stepsMaker)
func (suite *PlanTestSuite) TestDeterminePlanHelpCommand() {
cfg := Config{
Command: "help",
stepsMaker := determineSteps(cfg)
suite.Same(&help, stepsMaker)