Marcus -Chaosblog cf11d9f4d8 added code from mako hill to list folks who have previously been punted to the weekly update
added punt listing to the quick view

replaced two tabs with spaces in
2012-07-09 21:02:51 +02:00

39 lines
913 B

## -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Subject: IRON BLOGGER results for the week beginning ${week_start.strftime("%F")}
To: ${mail}
SLACKERS: ${", ".join(sorted([u.username for u in lame]))}
% if punt:
PUNTED for balance ≥$30: ${", ".join(sorted(punt))}
% endif
People who posted:
% for u in sorted(good, key=lambda u:u.username):
% for p in u.weeks[week]:
- ${p['url']}
% endfor
% endfor
% if skip:
People who have not yet started:
% for u in sorted(skip, key=lambda u:u.username):
% endfor
% endif
Beer pool:
This week: € ${5 * len(lame)}
Total: € ${pool}
Paid: € ${paid}
Events: € ${event}
Individual debts:
% for (u, v) in sorted(debts, key=lambda p:p[1], reverse=True):
${u"%20s %d \u20AC" % (u, v)}
% endfor
PREVIOUSLY PUNTED (pay € 30 balance to return):
% for (u) in sorted(punted, key=lambda p:p.username):
${"%20s (%s)" % (u.username, u.end)}
% endfor