Erin Call a5342d7bac
Default to the canonical setting names [#66]
The goal with these changes was to give users a clearer, more readable
interface, so we should present that interface up front and only
document the aliases as a backward-compatibility option.

I've renamed the envconfig tags to reflect the switch, but I left the
actual field names the same. I think they're sufficiently meaningful
inside the code, and leaving them unchanged avoids making a bunch of
churn in the rest of the code.
2020-01-08 11:02:29 -08:00

6.5 KiB

Parameter reference


Param name Type Purpose
mode string Indicates the operation to perform. Recommended, but not required. Valid options are upgrade, uninstall, lint, and help.
update_dependencies boolean Calls helm dependency update before running the main command.
add_repos list<string> Calls helm repo add $repo before running the main command. Each string should be formatted as repo_name=https://repo.url/.
namespace string Kubernetes namespace to use for this operation.
debug boolean Generate debug output within drone-helm3 and pass --debug to all helm commands. Use with care, since the debug output may include secrets.


Linting is only triggered when the mode setting is "lint".

Param name Type Required Purpose
chart string yes The chart to be linted. Must be a local path.
values list<string> Chart values to use as the --set argument to helm lint.
string_values list<string> Chart values to use as the --set-string argument to helm lint.
values_files list<string> Values to use as --values arguments to helm lint.
lint_strictly boolean Pass --strict to helm lint, to turn warnings into errors.


Installations are triggered when the mode setting is "upgrade." They can also be triggered when the build was triggered by a push, tag, deployment, pull_request, promote, or rollback Drone event.

Param name Type Required Purpose
chart string yes The chart to use for this installation.
release string yes The release name for helm to use.
kube_api_server string yes API endpoint for the Kubernetes cluster.
kube_token string yes Token for authenticating to Kubernetes.
kube_service_account string Service account for authenticating to Kubernetes. Default is helm.
kube_certificate string Base64 encoded TLS certificate used by the Kubernetes cluster's certificate authority.
chart_version string Specific chart version to install.
dry_run boolean Pass --dry-run to helm upgrade.
wait_for_upgrade boolean Wait until kubernetes resources are in a ready state before marking the installation successful.
timeout duration Timeout for any individual Kubernetes operation. The installation's full runtime may exceed this duration.
force_upgrade boolean Pass --force to helm upgrade.
atomic_upgrade boolean Pass --atomic to helm upgrade.
cleanup_failed_upgrade boolean Pass --cleanup-on-fail to helm upgrade.
values list<string> Chart values to use as the --set argument to helm upgrade.
string_values list<string> Chart values to use as the --set-string argument to helm upgrade.
values_files list<string> Values to use as --values arguments to helm upgrade.
reuse_values boolean Reuse the values from a previous release.
skip_tls_verify boolean Connect to the Kubernetes cluster without checking for a valid TLS certificate. Not recommended in production.


Uninstallations are triggered when the mode setting is "uninstall" or "delete." They can also be triggered when the build was triggered by a delete Drone event.

Param name Type Required Purpose
release string yes The release name for helm to use.
kube_api_server string yes API endpoint for the Kubernetes cluster.
kube_token string yes Token for authenticating to Kubernetes.
kube_service_account string Service account for authenticating to Kubernetes. Default is helm.
kube_certificate string Base64 encoded TLS certificate used by the Kubernetes cluster's certificate authority.
keep_history boolean Pass --keep-history to helm uninstall, to retain the release history.
dry_run boolean Pass --dry-run to helm uninstall.
timeout duration Timeout for any individual Kubernetes operation. The uninstallation's full runtime may exceed this duration.
skip_tls_verify boolean Connect to the Kubernetes cluster without checking for a valid TLS certificate. Not recommended in production.
chart string Required when the global update_dependencies parameter is true. No effect otherwise.

Where to put settings

Any setting can go in either the settings or environment section. If a setting exists in both sections, the version in environment will override the version in settings.

We recommend putting all drone-helm3 configuration in the settings block and limiting the environment block to variables that are used when building your charts.

Formatting non-string values

  • Booleans can be yaml's true and false literals or the strings "true" and "false".
  • Durations are strings formatted with the syntax accepted by golang's ParseDuration function (e.g. 5m30s)
    • For backward-compatibility with drone-helm, a duration can also be an integer, in which case it will be interpreted to mean seconds.
  • List<string>s can be a yaml sequence or a comma-separated string.

All of the following are equivalent:

values: "foo=1,bar=2"
values: ["foo=1", "bar=2"]
  - foo=1
  - bar=2

Note that list members must not contain commas. Both of the following are equivalent:

values_files: [ "./over_9,000.yml" ]
values_files: [ "./over_9", "000.yml" ]